Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Advantages of Life's Choices

If you want something a "Certain Way" ~ you need to do what needs to be done to MAKE things "that way"

If you want someone to be apart of your Life – you need to care enough about them to play a mutual role

If you want Change in your Life – you need to do what it takes to make those changes HAPPEN!

If you want to accomplish or achieve – you need to do what is REQUIRED.

Nothing “happens” when YOU aren’t doing what YOU need to do and what YOU are supposed to be doing.

There are ALL types of PEOPLE, with all types of CHEMISTRY, and varying levels that we are capable of interacting & becoming INVOLVED with each other

You need to mutually realize, understand and ACCEPT it~

While everyone else is living their lives, making love, and making FUTURE PLANS you are going to be just following and watching someone ELSE’S LIFE that has nothing to DO with the Potential that YOU COULD have HAD!  And it is deliberately your own fault…

Spin the Wheel, choose a lifestyle, set your standards, stop keeping up with the Jones that are not even very happy, and decide what YOU want in the WAY that you want it, what YOU enjoy and then who makes you feel comfortable & whose company that you enjoy enough to SHARE those things with.

There are advantages to being MARRIED & advantages to being ALONE

Being MARRIED means Trust, Commitment, Loyalty, Partnership, Growth, Healthy Directions, Future

Being ALONE involves Limitless Experiences, Experimentation, No Hassles, No Explanations, No Limits, No Compromise, No Sacrifice

It isn’t worth it to throw away your Freedom when you are alone UNLESS you are in LOVE!

Every Person should be capable of living their independent lifestyle with self-sufficiency & self-reliance & do their personal best within human limits. 

When people MERGE LIVES & decide to partner toward marriage – in a Healthy Relationship it starts with TWO strong, intelligent, independent individuals that DECIDE to stay together (not HAVE to stay together for Life Support) because they WANT to and because they LOVE each OTHER.  If those capable individuals no longer LOVE each other, they can live their lives independently. 


When you are not in LOVE and you share your TIME, your Time isn’t worth spending on someone that wastes your time, doesn’t CARE about YOU - OR the time you spend, and there isn’t genuine interest and MUTUAL ENJOYMENT.

When you decide to MAKE a commitment & take yourself & that person SERIOUSLY- it should be at least worth it & the person isn’t going to betray your trust.  Trust is one of the most rare qualities available anymore.  It isn’t worth throwing away on someone that wants to cop a feel, and doesn’t have respect for the decision you’ve made to make a commitment or the LIFE you have going on.

When you fall OUT of Love - this simply means… You are not SOUL MATES.   

Mourn, get past it and NEVER GIVE up your Freedom for someone that isn’t serious about commitment.

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